Home Remedies For Seasickness
While most of your yacht adventure will be in protected, inside waters, some portions may include outside waters with ocean swells that may affect people who are prone to sea sickness.
Nobody wants to be sick, especially when you are on vacation to relax and have a good time. Do yourself a favor and prepare. There are many remedies for sea sickness. We suggest you try one at home prior to your trip.
- Marjoram tea is believed to help prevent seasickness. Drink a cup of warm tea before hitting the deck.
- Eat only a light meal before traveling. Do not eat until you are full.
- Take a teaspoon of gomasio (sesame seeds and sea salt, available at health food stores and Asian markets) and keep chewing it as long as you can before swallowing. It should help rid you of that queasy feeling.
- Try to keep the head from rocking. When the vessel rocks one direction, counteract it by moving your head or body the other direction.