Home Remedies For Muscle Aches
Muscle strain, a tight, sore neck...leg cramps...an .... achy body can be such a pain! But most minor muscle aches seem to loosen up quite well when treated to a massage or a nice, hot bath. In addition, these remedies may help ease your aches and pains.
Home remedies for aches
- Prepare strong ginger tea with 2 teaspoons of ginger powder or fresh, grated ginger root in 2 cups of water. Let it simmer until the water turns yellowish in color. Add the ginger tea to a bathful of warm water. Relax in the tub for 20 to 30 minutes. This ginger tea bath may relieve muscle stiffness and soreness and is wonderful for one's circulation.
- As hot of water you can stand and epsom salts added until the water cools. You will feed soooo much better and take an OTC pain reliever.
- Apply moist heat directly to the affected area.
- Take calcium, B-complex, and cayenne supplements to heal muscles and as a preventative measure.