Herbal Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Sun Blindness

Sun blindness is caused by exposure to large expanses of snow or ice for a considerable length of time.

  • Make a poultice from the lightly beaten white of an egg. Bandage the poultice on the closed eyes and sleep that way. There should be a big improvement the next morning. Cottage cheese in place of egg white is also effective.

CAUTION: Sun blindness is a serious condition that can lead to cataracts and retinal damage. It should be prevented by wearing sunglasses or goggles.

Preventing Sun Blindness

  • Skiers find this remedy helpful in coping with large expanses of snow. Eat a handful of sunflower seeds every day. (Buy them shelled, raw and unsalted.)

Within no time, the eyes may have a much easier time adjusting to the brightness of the snow, thanks to the sunflower seeds. . . and a good pair of sunglasses or goggles.

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   Nausea And Vomiting
   Neck Tension
   Night Vision
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   Pruritis And Hives
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   Rough Hands
   Shaving Rash
   Sore Throats
   Spider Bites
   Stiff Neck
   Stomach Cramps
   Sun Blindness
   Tick Bites

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